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Utility Service
General Information
Water meters are read near the end of each month. Bills are mailed out on the 20th and are due on the 10th of each month.
Bills for sewer service will be computed based on the lesser of (i) the average amount of water used by the customer during the winter season based upon the average of the monthly readings of the customer's water meter during the winter-averaging period, or (ii) the customer's actual water usage. If a separately-metered single family residential dwelling unit does not have an acceptable history of water usage during the winter-avaraging period, the customer's monthly sewer bill will be based on the lesser of (i) 8,000 gallons, or (ii) the customer's actual water usage. |
Solid Waste (Trash)
The basic service rate includes pickup of solid waste (garbage) and recycling. Solid waste is picked up each Friday; materials separated for recycling are picked up every other week. The official collection time is 7:00am although trucks may be working throughout the neighborhoods until 3:00pm. If your trash is not at the curb when the truck goes by it will not be picked up!
Do not pile bulky waste curbside unless you have notified TDS that you need a bulky waste pickup. You must call TDS Customer Care at 1-800-375-8375 to schedule a bulky pickup at least 5 days in advance of your regular pickup day. Each household will receive two curbside bulky waste pick-ups per calendar year at no charge. Additional pickups must be arranged through TDS Customer Care for an additional fee. Bulky waste - Stoves, hot water heaters, washing machines, clothes dryers, and furniture; other large household waste material that do not contain coolants or hazardous materials; bags of leaves or other yard waste. Bundle – Tree, shrub and brush trimmings securely tied together, forming an easily handled package, not exceeding four feet in length or 40 pounds in weight. If you have a problem or question regarding solid waste pickup please call TDS at (512) 421-1360. |
Residential Service Fees
effective 1/1/23 |
Basic service rate
Sewer rate (Per 1,000 gal.)
Water rates (Per 1,000 gal.)
0 - 7,000 gallons
7,001 - 12,000 gallons
12,001 - 17,000 gallons
over 17,000 gallons
Surcharge: Prorated on total number of customers each month
Establishing Service
Contact the offices of the District's General Manager for information on how and where to apply for service.
You can download the District's Service Application here.
Application Fee
The District charges a $36.00 non-refundable application fee at the time service is requested and an account is opened.
Security Deposit
A refundable security deposit of $150.00 is required to establish service. Upon account termination your deposit will be applied against any unpaid balance and the remainder, if any, will be returned to you within 90 days.
Your Northtown MUD utility payment with payment stub should be mailed to Northtown MUD PO Box 8009 Round Rock, Texas 78683-8009 IN PERSON You can also pay your bill in person at the offices of Crossroads Utility Services Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm. Payment may be made by cash, check, money order, cashiers check, debit or credit card. DROP BOX For your convenience, a payment drop box is provided in the Northtown MUD Administrative Office parking lot. Please enclose the payment stub, check, cashiers check or money order. NO CASH PLEASE. Payments are collected every business morning and posted to your account Monday through Friday (excluding holidays). BY PHONE To pay by phone, call Crossroads Utility Services at (512) 246-1400. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm. You may use a credit card (Master Card, Visa, Discover) or debit card. ONLINE PAYMENT AND ACCOUNT ACCESS Effective November 7, 2011 your balance, amount due, monthly usage and billing history are available to you any time of the day or night including weekends at https://crossroadsus.epayub.com. AUTOMATE YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENTS If you want to initiate automatic monthly payments using a credit/debit card, you may do so online or by contacting Crossroads at (512) 246-1400. This option assures that your payment will be posted by the due date every month. You may set up an online account with your e-mail address to receive verification of payment. (If you are already using Crossroads' automatic payment option, you will not need to do anything extra.) You may also choose to pay using e-check or ACH. You will need to go online and register your account. To pay by e-check, or electronic check, you may go to the website each month and enter your routing number and bank account number along with other information for processing. If you wish, you may use the ACH option to have your payment automatically drafted directly from your bank account each month. All e-checks and ACH payments will incur a $1.00 transaction fee. BY A BILL PAY SERVICE When paying using a bill pay service, the payment stub is not included so it is critical that the COMPLETE account number is clearly stated on the check. Your full account number is located on your statement and consists of 15 numbers starting with 70635-0 followed by 9 more numerals. Adding your account number will ensure that your payment is posted promptly and correctly to your account. |
Late Payment Penalty
A late payment charge of 10% of the unpaid balance will be due for any bill that is not paid on or before the due date.
If your residential utility service is terminated for non-payment you must pay a $40 administrative fee and an additional security deposit of $150 for each termination before service will be restored. These fees and deposits apply if you fail to pay all past-due amounts by the time and date specified on the notice of disconnection, even if your service has not been physically disconnected. |
Commercial Customers
Builders and Developers
Rate Order